The best options are those around bright stars, like 55 Cnc e - subject of 367 papers in the last decade!
\[\begin{align} TV \equiv \sum_i |f_i - f_{i-1}| \end{align} \] subject to constraints \[\begin{align}\forall_j w_j &> 0\\ \sum_{i=1}^{N} f_i &= N.\end{align} \]
This is the \(L_1\) norm or 'taxicab metric' on the derivative of the time series.
This has analytic derivatives you can compute with autodiff - easy to optimize.
Πλειάδες, the Seven Sisters
Alcyone, Atlas (dad), Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta, Pleione (mum)
Atlas lightcurve: raw (top) and halo (bottom)
Lightcurves of All Seven Bright Pleiades
I am currently searching all bright stars in K2 for transiting planets - none so far, but plenty of asteroseismology!
α Tauri
الدبران ,the follower
... follows the Pleiades!
Yes! We get the same frequency with K2!
Using MESA isochrones & stellar tracks, we find that on the main sequence Aldebaran b had a semi-major axis of \(1.507 \pm 0.03 \) AU and Aldebaran had a luminosity \(2.0 \pm 0.7 \, L_\odot \)...
so Aldebaran b had an insolation comparable to Earth when its star was on the main sequence.
Let us know if we can help.